Zinnia Cut & Come Again – Burpee Seeds
Zinnia elegans
Burpees favorite double zinnia.
Zinnias add bold, vibrant color to gardens. Cut & Come Again Mix has long-stemmed flowers 2 1/2″ across in a blend of pink, bright scarlet, yellow, salmon, white and more. The more you cut, the more they bloom, and they keep blooming from midsummer until frost. Heat-loving and very easy to grow. Great for cutting as well as in the garden.
- Plant zinnias in mixed plantings with other summer-blooming annuals, or place small groups of zinnias among perennials. They are at home in cottage and children’s gardens, and they are often grown in cutting gardens.
- Shorter zinnia varieties are ideal for containers. Take care not to overcrowd them or the flowers may be significantly smaller than they should be and the plants may be taller. Always use a commercial potting mix, do not use garden soil, and make sure the containers have adequate drainage. Container grown plants will require extra water and fertilizer, look for signs of wilt or a nutrient deficiency.
- Cut stems before the flower is open for cut flowers.
- Zinnias attract hummingbirds, butterflies and beneficial insects.