Zinnia Cut and Come Again – Renee’s Garden
Zinnia pumila
Heirloom Zinnias
This beloved, old fashioned zinnia got its name because the sturdy, vigorous plants bear continuously for months, providing armfuls of sweet, candy-bright flowers to enjoy both indoors and out. Cut and Come Again blooms in a wonderful color range that includes cream, salmon, rose pink, scarlet, butter yellow, magenta, crimson and cheerful orange. The vibrant, many-petaled 2 to 3 inch blooms come in double, single and semi-double flower forms with centers that open into a circle of golden stars.
Plant In |
Sun/Shade |
Planting Depth |
Space Seeds |
Days To Germinate |
Mature Height |
April – June |
Full sun |
1/2 inch |
2 – 3 in. |
5 – 10 days |
3 – 3.5 feet |
Summer/fall bloom
Frost tender
Sow seeds in a well-worked seed bed in full sun when danger of frost is past and weather is warm and above 50°F (10°C) both day and night. Space seeds 3 inches apart in rows 12 inches apart, cover about 1/2 inch deep and gently firm soil. Keep soil evenly moist while awaiting germination.
Four to five weeks before last frost date, sow seeds 1/2 inch deep and 3 inches apart in a container of seed starting mix. Keep warm and moist and provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outside when temperatures rise above 50°F (10°C) day and night.
Space seedlings 12 inches apart when large enough to handle to give plants room to mature and provide good air circulation.
Zinnias grow readily in ordinary garden soil in full sun. For large and abundant flowers, thin before seedlings get crowded; adequate spacing and regular, even watering helps keep zinnias productive and discourages mildew. Pick when flower blossoms first open and petals are tight for longest vase life. Cut long stems well back into the plant to keep plants branching low and producing best blooms for summer long bouquets.