Wild Greens Edible Chrysanthemum Shungiku – West Coast Seeds
Glebionis coronaria
- Mildly bitter leaves
- Flowers are yellow, also edible
- Grow as an ornamental flower
- Open-pollinated seeds
- Matures in 45 days
Frilly Edible Chrysanthemum is commonly known as tong hao in Chinese, shungiku in Japanese, ssukgat in Korean and cải cúc or tần ô in Vietnamese. The mildly bitter leaves of this annual are frequently used in Japanese recipes. The flowers, which grow to around 1.3m (4′) tall, are various shades of yellow, and are also edible – outstanding additions to salads or any other food if used as a garnish. Grow Frilly Edible Chrysanthemum Shungiku seeds as you would an ornamental flower, in rich, well-drained soil, and the sometimes bicoloured flowers will bloom from spring to fall. Grows well in cool coastal gardens!
Matures in 45 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Plant in a block or in a wide row. Sprinkle the seeds evenly over prepared, moist soil. Try to space seeds about 1cm (½”) apart. Cover lightly with soil, and firm them in. Four grams of seed will plant a 12m (40′) row that is 7cm (3″) wide, so don’t plant the whole packet at once. For container growing, choose containers that are at least 10cm (4″) deep. Wider is better. The most common mistake is over-planting.
Moderately fertile soil – particularly if you’re planning multiple harvests. Dig in 1 cup of complete organic fertilizer for every 3m (10′) of row. For containers, use peat or coir-based mix with compost added. Water regularly. If growth slows after harvest, use a bit of kelp or fish-based fertilizer to provide a boost of nutrition for the next growth spurt.
There are two methods of gathering salad greens. You can use scissors to cut everything about 2-5cm (1-2″) from the ground when the plants are about 10-15cm (3-4″) tall. Or, you can pick individual leaves as they’re needed. The first cutting may contain more brassicas than lettuces (arugula, mizuna) but if you cut the mix back when the leaves are still small, the lettuce will catch up. The salad greens will regrow for a second harvest in another 2 or 3 weeks.
Slugs love baby greens and flea beetles love brassica leaves.