Sweet Cicely – Eagleridge Seeds
Myrrhis Odorata
This tender perennial is a member of the parsley family. A beautiful and graceful shade lover has tall branches with fern like feathery leaves topped with white umbel flowers in late spring. The leaves and seeds are edible. Used as a tea for many ailments including asthma, digestive and urinary tract issues or as a culinary addition. The anise like aroma of the young leaves makes a fine addition to salads or a flavouring for stir fried rice. Traditionally also used as a natural sweetener for fruit compote. The large seeds turn from green to black when ripe. Eaten at the green stage. Planting best in the cool times as the seed requires a cold period for better germination. Direct sow in fall in warmer locations or in early spring everywhere. Cover seed lightly. The bees love the flowers.