Sunflower Suntastic F1 – Ontario Seed Company
Helianthus annuus
This 2014 AAS Bedding Plant Winner is a superb sunflower for containers or gardens. You will love the large number of flowers each plant produces – up to twenty or more 15cm (6″) wide flowers per plant in three successive bloom periods. Plants are naturally dwarf and compact and very early flowering. Ideal for the patio, mass planting in beds or for the annual border.
How to Grow
Easy to grow. In late May, choose a sunny site with well draining soil and sow seed about 6-12mm (1/4-1/2″) deep and 7.5-10cm (3-4″) apart. Thin or transplant seedlings to 30-45cm (12-18″) apart. Seed can be started 2-3 weeks early indoors using plantable peat pots or Jiffy 7’s at 21C (70F). Harden off seedlings then transplant to a site in full sun. Keep plants evenly watered and fertilize twice during the season with a granular 15-5-15 or equivalent.
Approx. 10 Seeds/pkt.