Sunflower Pike’s Peak – Burpee Seeds
Helianthus annuus
The largest sunflower seeds ever. Plants tower up to 15 ft. tall.
The sunflower that sunflowers look up to, with the largest sunflower seeds in the world. Ginormous seed heads house seeds as large as 1 1/2 long, the biggest weve ever seen. Extra-large seeds mean extra-large plants, and these grow 12-15 with luminous 14 golden-yellow flowerheads.
- Edible sunflowers will mature in about 3 months or more after sowing. To harvest the seeds, cut the heads off after the stalks are quite dry but before fall or winter rains come. Check the flower heads for maturity to see if the florets in the center of the flower disk have shriveled and the back of the flower head is turning yellow, or the head is starting to droop. Cut flower-heads with a foot of the stalk attached. Hang heads in a warm, dry, well-ventilated place so the seeds may fully ripen and dry. Cheesecloth, netting or a paper bag with holes punched in for ventilation should be placed over the head to protect the seeds and to collect those that may drop from drying.
- Shorter varieties may be grown in containers. Be sure to use a commercial potting mix.
- Pollenless varieties make terrific cut flowers.