Sunflower Allsorts Mixed – Mr. Fothergill’s Seeds
Helianthus annuus var.
- Annual
- Dramatic mix of color
- Ideal for use as long lasting cut flowers
- Adds a dramatic splash of color in the back of borders
A diverse mix of these popular flowers, some single, some doubles and even the occasional crested type, all selected as being the best for cutting. This mixture looks great at the back of borders too!
Sunflowers are very easy to grow, they come in all sizes for borders, beds, pots and containers, adding warmth and vibrancy to any outdoor living space – large or small. They look dramatic combined with other easy annuals such as Cosmos, Coreopsis or Cornflower. Sunflowers are long-lasting whether used in the garden or as cut flowers, and attract a wealth of beneficial insects. Their spent heads can also be left to feed birds throughout winter.
Approx. 40 seeds
Sow 1 week after final spring frost, 13mm (1/2″) deep, 10cm (4″) apart, in well cultivated soil. Keep soil moist. Germination takes 7-21 days. Thin to final plant spacing when seedlings are well established. Can be started indoors up to 2 weeks before final frost. If started indoors, sow 2 seeds per pot and thin to strongest plant. Harden off before transplanting to the garden.
Sunflower blooms always face the rising sun, so plan wisely to be able to enjoy the flowers all day.