Spinach Perpetual Leaf Beet – Mr. Fothergill’s Seeds
Beta vulgaris
- Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K
- Heirloom
- Very Prolific Yield
- Excellent for succulent baby leaf
- slow to bolt
Alternative to spinach
An easy, reliable and milder alternative to spinach, which is very fast and easy to grow, cropping for much of the year.
Approx. 300 seeds
Outdoors: Sow thinly, March-July, where they are to crop, 2.5cm (1″) deep, directly into finely-prepared, well-drained, fertile soil, which has already been watered. Allow 40cm (16″) between rows. Early sowings may benefit from cloche protection. Seedlings usually appear in 7-21 days. Water well until plants are established. Thin out to 15cm (6″) apart. 1 or 2 further sowings will ensure a continuous supply of leaves. Harvest: June-October. Pick a few leaves at a time, without stripping plants. Give cloche protection from October onwards to encourage cropping into the winter months.
Pinch out the central shoots of the plants to prolong the period of harvest. Cook leaf beet as you would spinach.
Do not let the plants dry out. Mulch to retain moisture.