Root Parsley Hamburg – Ontario Seed Company
Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum
For over 400 years, the slender 15 cm (6″) parsnip-like roots with their delicate parsley taste have been used for flavouring soups and stews. This variety stores very well through the winter. A great dual purpose plant as the coarse leaves contribute a parsley flavour and can be used as a garnish. Soaking seeds in water over-night improves germination. Parsley is widely used as a pest control plant in gardens as it attracts beneficial insects.
How to Grow
Germination is hastened by first soaking seeds in water overnight. After soaking, sow seed 6 mm (1/4″) deep in rows 40 cm (16″) apart. Be patient. Parsley takes up to three weeks to sprout. Avoid crusting over the soil as this will greatly reduce the number of seedlings that emerge. Mulching the seed bed aids germination. Thin seedlings to 10 cm (4″) apart after germination. Keep parsley well weeded. One packet sows approximately 6 m (20″) of row.
Approx. 750 seeds/pkt.