Pumpkin Early Sweet Sugar Pie – Burpee Seeds
 Cucurbita pepo
- The best for rich pumpkin pies.
- 90 days to maturity
- Heirloom
The fine orange flesh of this favourite is the best for rich pumpkin pies. Easy to handle, at only 6-7 lb. each. 90 Days
- Pumpkins are ready to harvest when the rinds are hard and a rich shade of orange or white depending on the variety.
- If a light frost kills the vines, the pumpkins are ready to harvest. Pumpkins are damaged by heavy frost.
- Cut pumpkins from the vine with a pruning shears, leaving about 3 inches or stem attached
- Allow the pumpkins to cure in the sun for a week to harden skin.
- Store pumpkins in a cool dry place.
- Roast the seeds for a tasty snack.