Poppy Legion of Honor – Renee’s Garden
Papaver rhoeas
Shirley Poppies
EXCLUSIVE –Â Classic crimson corn poppies have elegant cup-shaped single blossoms that glow in the sun with concentrated lustrous color. They blanket open fields throughout late spring and early summer all over Western Europe and have come to symbolize the valor of fallen soldiers. The brilliant 3 inch silky flowers sway gracefully on nodding stems 1 1/2 to 2 feet above finely cut foliage. This beloved antique flower re-sows easily to bloom generously every year.
Plant In |
Sun/Shade |
Planting Depth |
Space Seeds |
Days To Germinate |
Mature Height |
Feb – May |
Full sun |
Barely cover |
Very thinly |
7 – 14 days |
1.5 – 2 feet |
Spring/summer bloom
Frost hardy
Sow seeds directly into a finely textured garden bed in full sun as early in spring as ground can be worked. To help space the fine seeds, mix with dry sand before sowing. Cover very lightly with fine soil and keep seed bed moist as seedlings emerge over 7 to 14 days.
Poppies do not transplant well so we advise sowing the seeds directly in the garden. Be sure to thin crowded seedlings early; final plant spacing should be 4 to 6 inches apart so plants have room to fully mature and bloom.
Plant as early as possible in spring, as poppies can handle frost and bloom best and longest when plants get a good start in cool weather. In mild winter climates, sow seed in late fall to overwinter for spring bloom. Weed and water young seedlings carefully. Mature plants can handle dry conditions but appreciate regular water in hot locations.