Pea Garden Sweet – Burpee Seeds
Lathyrus odoratus
20-30% sweeter than other peas.
Plump, juicy peas taste like little pearls of sugar! With 20-30% more sugars than other pea varieties, Garden Sweet is a ready-made dish that needs little preparation from the garden to the plate. Peas contain 18 essential vitamins and nutrients-a powerhouse of health. Try fresh in soups or steamed or store for winter use by drying of freezing.
60-65 days to maturity.
21g of seed
- To determine when to pick shell peas, check the pods by eye and feel. If the pea pod is round, has a nice sheen, and is bright green, it is ready. If the seeds have made ridges on the pod and the pods are dull green, it is past prime.
- You can pick snap and snow peas at any time but are tastiest when the pods still have some play around the peas when you squeeze the pods.
- Pick snow peas before the peas start to enlarge.
- If harvest exceeds immediate fresh use, you can freeze peas immediately after harvest to retain rich flavor. Blanch peas for two minutes in boiling water, drain, and then plunge into ice cold water for another two minutes. Drain again and loosely pack the peas into plastic freezer bags or containers. Use within 9 months for best quality.
- Peas can also be dried in a dehydrator and stored in a sealed canister for use in soups and stews.