Organic Pumpkin Galeux d’Eysines – West Coast Seeds
Cucurbita maxima
- Fruits average 7-10kg (10-15lbs)
- Best smooth texture of all the pumpkins
- Lovely French Heirloom
- Open-pollinated seeds
- Matures in 95-105 days
Galeux d’Eysines pumpkin seeds produce a lovely French HEIRLOOM pumpkin with salmon pink coloured skin covered in peanut-like warts caused by sugar swelling in the skins. The somewhat flattened fruits resemble wheels of cheese, and average 7-10kg (10-15 lbs) each and can store for up to 6 months. Simply the best smooth texture of all the pumpkins for pies. It has a delicious flavour and very high sugar content at maturity. The flesh is bright, almost neon-orange, and very easy to extract for rendering down for your favourite pumpkin recipes.
Approx. 10 Seeds