Organic Pepper Oranos – West Coast Seeds
Capsicum annuum
- Certified organic seeds
- Very high uniformity
- Good grower feedback
- Matures in 60-75 days
- Hybrid seeds
CERTIFIED ORGANIC! Oranos is the first truly orange pointed sweet pepper to appear on the market. The feedback from growers has been unanimous and extremely positive: Oranos really produces. Vivid orange, extremely sweet, and very early to mature, Oranos Organic pepper seeds produce heavy yields of bright orange, thick-walled, conical fruits averaging 13-15cm (5-6″) long. Top quality sweet flavour and crisp texture for the market grower or home gardener. Harvest the green fruit at 60 days, or orange at 75. Plants are even more productive in a low tunnel or greenhouse environment.
Matures in 60-75 days. (Hybrid seeds)
Approx. 10 Seeds