Organic Beet Chioggia – West Coast Seeds
Beta vulgaris
- Smooth round roots
- Bright pink and white
- 5cm (2″) in diameter
- Open-pollinated seeds
- Matures 65 in days
CERTIFIED ORGANIC! Chioggia Guardsmark Organic beet seeds are a striking Italian heirloom variety with light-red, smooth round roots and bright pink and white alternating rings inside. These sweet beets (pronounced kee-OH-jee-ah) are about 5cm (2″) in diameter with mild green leaves and pale red stems. Interestingly, each red ring in the cross section of these beets represents one lunar month of growth. Chioggia Guardsmark organic beet seeds are a staff favourite that add festive colour to any meal. It’s easy to save seeds from this beet variety, but beets are biennial, so they flower and go to seed the spring after you plant them.
Matures in 65 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Approx. 100 seeds