Morning Glory Crimson Rambler – Ontario Seed Company
Ipomoea tricolor
Crimson Rambler Morning Glory Seeds
Deep crimson-red with a contrasting white throat. Absolutely stunning!
How to Grow
Soak seed overnight before sowing directly in the garden in mid to late May. 6 mm (1/4″) deep and 7.5 cm (3″) apart. Thin to 15 cm (6″) apart when the vines are 7.5 cm (3″) tall. Morning Glories don’t transplant well so there is no real advantage to starting seed earlier indoors. Vines may grow up to 4 m (13′) long. Prefers moist, well drained soil. In naturally rich soil, fertilize if you notice a lack of vigour or poor foliage quality. In poor soils, vines benefit from frequent, dilute fertilizer applications. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers as this leads to rampant vegetative growth at the expense of flowering.
Approx. 35 seeds/pkt.