Lettuce Red Romaine – Ontario Seed Company
Lactuca sativa
Attractive appearance, crunchy texture and a nice buttery flavour. Attractive green leaves are overlaid with deep burgundy colouring. Sweet, crisp heads are 30cm (12″) tall and rather loosly wrapped. A colourful addition to salads or mesclun mixes.
Approx. 1,250 seeds/pkt
How to Grow
Lettuce is a sun-loving cool weather crop that grows best in organic, well drained soil. Sow as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring, then every two weeks thereafter to ensure a continuous supply. Sow about 3mm (1/8″) deep in rows 45cm (18″) apart. Gradually thin seedlings to 15cm (6″) apart. An even supply of moisture during the entire growth period is imperative for success. Harvest by cutting the head off at the base just below the lower leaves. Once lettuce bolts (starts to produce a rapidly growing flower stem) leaves become bitter.