Foxglove Excelsior Hybrids – Ontario Seed Company
Digitalis purpurea
An extra early bloomer with a tall stately inflorescence of bell-shaped blooms accented with spotted throats. Colours include pink, rose, purple, cream, primrose and white. Performs well in sun or partial shade. Matures to 1.5 m (5′) height in the second year. Prefers wind sheltered locations with full sun in moist soils or partial shade in drier locations. Excelsior is a freely reseeding biennial hardy to Zone 4.
Note: Seeds and plants are considered toxic.
How to Grow
Native to the Mediterranean. Although considered a biennial, it reseeds so freely once established, it is a permanent fixture in the garden. Start seeds indoors in a soil-less mix in February or March for a chance at first year flowering. Germinate at 20 C (70 F) then grow on under lights at a slightly cooler temperature before hardening off and planting in the garden in a sheltered site. Seed can be directly sown in May and June and again in mid-August to mid- September for flowering in the following year.
Approx. 500 seeds/pkt.