Early Blooming Beekeeper’s Mix – Renee’s Garden
Mixed Varieties
Pollinator Flowers
This fast-growing, early blooming annual flower mix blooms in succession throughout late spring and summer. Your garden will be abuzz with many species of bees and other pollinators as the flowers produce an irresistible and sustained supply of nectar and pollen for feed and forage all season long. You can also cut the abundant flowers often for lovely bouquets. Made up of 21 varieties, this easy to grow blend will please both beginning and seasoned gardeners. Fun to grow with kids.
Seed Count: Approx. 1925
Contains: Ammi majus, Calendula officinalis, Centaurea Collinsia, Coreopsis tinctoria dwarf, Cosmos bipinnatus dwarf, Dimorphotheca aurantiaca, Dracocephalum moldavica, Eschscholzia californica, Gilia capitata, Godetia grandiflora, Gypsophila elegans, Iberis umbellatum, Layia platyglossa, Linum rubrum, Malcolmia maritima, Nemophila insignis, Papaver rhoeas, Rudbeckia hirta, Salvia horminum, Saponaria vaccaria rosea and Silene armeria.
Cold Winters |
Mild Winters |
Sun/Shade |
Sow Seeds |
Days To Germinate |
Mature Height |
April – May |
March – May |
Full sun |
Scatter thinly |
7 – 14 days |
1 – 4 feet |
Spring/summer bloom
Frost tender
In early spring, after all danger of frost is past, plant in a well-prepared garden bed in full sun. Shake packet to mix. Scatter the seed thinly and evenly over finely worked soil, aiming to have the seeds about an inch or so apart. Cover lightly, about 1/4 inch deep, and gently firm the soil over the seeds—a rake is handy for this step. Water thoroughly and evenly with a very gentle spray. Keep the seedbed moist while awaiting germination and while flowers are actively growing for the most blossoms.
This fast-growing, early flowering annual mix blooms in succession and provides a sustained feast for bees and other pollinators. The many flower colors and shapes blend beautifully for bouquets.