Corn Picasso – West Coast Seeds
Zea mays
- Matures in 75 days
- Needs no isolation
- Well filled 20cm (8″) ears
- Highly ornamental
Synergistic (sy) is the name for a recent type of hybrid sweet corn. Using traditional corn hybridization, breeders have been able to combine more than one genetic line so the end result is 25% supersweet (sh2), 25% sugary extender (se), and 50% sugary (su). Picasso sweet corn takes the best breeding from three lines of genetics to produce a high performance bi-colour cob with both gold and white kernels. The tassels are bright pink while the husk and leaves are streaked with red to the plants are highly ornamental while growing. Perhaps best of all, synergistic hybrid corn does not require isolation from other varieties, so it’s a great choice for community gardens and market growers alike. The ears are well filled and average 20cm (8″) long.
Approx. 50 Seeds