Columbine McKana Giants – Ontario Seed Company
Aquilegia x hybrida
Many coloured, long spurred 10 cm (4″) wide blooms are very plentiful on these sturdy 75 cm (30″) high plants. Wide range of uses as the plants enjoy sun to light shade conditions. Colours include white, cream, rose, violet, yellow and red. Excellent specimens for cutting. Usually hardy to Zone 2 with protection. Thrives Zone 3 and up without protection.
How to Grow
For best results chill seed for 3 to 4 days at 5 C (40 F) prior to sowing. Start early indoors in a soil-less mix. Keep at 20-22 C (70-75 F) for the 21-25 day germination period then grow on under lights at a cooler temperature before hardening off and transplanting outside. Seed can also be sown directly into the garden in June or again in August and early September for bloom the following year. Do not cover seed as light is beneficial for germination. Columbine prefers moist soil in light shade but will tolerate full sun except for hot, dry areas. Plant 30-45 cm (12-18″) apart, feed monthly and keep well watered.
Approx. 60 seeds/pkt.