Cauliflower Sunset – West Coast Seeds
Brassica Oleracea var. Botrytis
Dazzling, bright orange curds form on this round-headed early autumn harvest cauliflower. Sow Sunset cauliflower seeds and grow the plants closer together to produce miniature orange cauliflower heads with even more intense colour. This cauliflower keeps its colour when cooked, but it’s also delicious raw and looks spectacular on a vegetable tray. Cauliflower is a good plant to start indoors so that you can place the seedlings in the row spaced exactly where you want them. Transplant into richly fertile soil and keep the bed evenly moist over the whole growing season. Lightweight row cover can be placed over the young transplants and left in place as the plants grow. It will protect them from the Cabbage Maggot fly and Small White butterfly (cabbage moth).
Matures in 70-75 days. (Hybrid seeds)
Approx 25 seeds