Carrot Rainbow Blend – West Coast Seeds
Daucus carota
- Blend of 4 popular carrots
- Purple, white, red and orange
- Add some colour to your garden!
- Open-pollinated and Hybrid seeds
- Matures in 75-110 days
We have put four of our popular carrots into this one package for your eating pleasure. Plant Rainbow Blend carrot seeds and your garden will grow purple, white, red and nice big orange carrots all in the same row. To get the full range of colours, add the seeds in the package to 4 liters of fine topsoil or starter mix and sprinkle down the prepared row. The full package will sow about 50 feet of row when it is done this way! It would be a shame to thin out the plants and lose some of the colour range.
Approx. 0.75g of Seeds