Cardinal Climber – Ontario Seed Company
Ipomoea quamoclit
An extremely attractive climbing vine. The flowers are similar in structure to morning glories but this specie produces many smaller, bright crimson-red, white-throated flowers that typically face up and out from the foliage. Makes for a pretty picture as it climbs on fences and arbours – where it can often reach over 3 m (10′) in height! The flowers are quite attractive to hummingbirds.
How to Grow
Sow directly in the garden late May about 6 mm (1/4″) deep. We suggest soaking seeds overnight in room temperature water before planting. Germination occurs in 7-14 days. Thin seedlings to 30 cm (12″) apart. For best performance, do not over fertilize. Prefers slightly acidic soils. Prune as required. Cardinal climber does best in full sun.
Approx. 12 seeds/pkt.