Beet Red Ace – Ontario Seed Company
Beta Vulgaris
The attractive red-veined leaves crowning this hybrid make tasty greens. Not to be outdone, the exceptionally sweet flesh of the round, deep red coloured root is delicious freshly cooked or pickled. Quick to mature, excellent heat and bolting resistance, a long harvest period and an ability to maintain their tender sweet tasting flesh when larger, all together make Red Ace a prime candidate for the best all round beet.
How to Grow
Beets thrive in sandy loam with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. Remember to fertilize. For continual harvest, sow seeds 1.2 cm (1/2″) deep and 2.5 cm (1″) apart in two week intervals beginning when the soil has warmed to 7 C (45 F) and avoid sowing after mid July. As each beet ‘seed’ is actually a corky fruit with 2 to 5 seeds contained within, it is important to thin the young seedlings to 7-10 cm (3-4″) apart to provide enough room for proper root formation. Use plants that are thinned as a source of tender, edible greens. Over-watering or excessive rainfall may lead to excessive leaf growth and pale or small roots. One packet sows approximately 6 m (20″) of row.
Approx. 125 seeds/pkt.