Bean Round Pod Kidney Wax Bush – McKenzie Seeds
Phaseolus vulgaris
- Heirloom
- Fleshy and tender
- 6 to 14 days to germination
- 60 to 70 days to maturity
- Companion Planting: Carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, marigold
Round Pod Kidney Wax Beans provide huge crops of 15 cm (6″) tender beans. Use fresh-cut, frenched, canned, or frozen for a superb, crisp flavor. Also known as Brittle Wax, it is a great choice for the home garden!
25g (Approx. 70-75 seeds)
Preparation Ideas: Rinse beans under water. Dry and cut tips off both ends. Toss beans with salt, pepper and olive oil. Place beans in a single layer (do not overlap), on foil lined baking sheet. Bake at 350 F preheated oven for approximately 25 minutes or until cooked to desired tenderness.
Planting Instructions:
Garden Beans require warm soil and good growing conditions. The seeds will decay quickly when planted in cold wet soil.
Beans do best when planted in full sun. Warm, well drained soil is best. Planting where beans and peas have not been grown for at least a year will help reduce insect and disease problems.
- Once danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed, directly sow bean seeds into gardens or raised beds.
- Seeds germinate in approximately 6-14 days.
- Bush Beans: Sow seed 2.5 cm (1”) deep. Space seeds approximately 10 cm (4”) apart. Space rows 60 cm (24”) apart.
- Companion Planting: Carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, marigold
Bush beans produce an entire crop all at once while pole beans produce over the entire growing season. Keeping beans picked on both types of plants will increase production. Depending on the needs of the gardener, those who want to can or freeze a lot of beans may want to grow bush beans for a large harvest all at once where planting pole varieties will allow the gardener to harvest all season long but making succession plantings of bush beans will produce similar results.
Don’t work in bean patch while plants are wet/damp – this will help reduce the spread of disease
Make sure plants receive adequate moisture during and immediately after flowering and once pods have formed to ensure a higher yield of nicely shaped beans.
Pole beans need support to climb. Use poles, strings, trellises or make tepees for the beans to climb.
Harvesting and Storage
- Beans can be picked when pods are young and tender.
- Harvest often to increase yields.
- Remove pods that are too old for eating as the old pods take away nutrients from developing pods and reduce yields – if pods get large with seed, the plant will stop flowering