Bean Dwarf Golden Teepee Bush – Mr. Fothergill’s Seeds
Phaseolus vulgaris
- Very productive
- Golden yellow, crunchy pods
- Germinates in 7-14 Days
- Harvest in 52 Days
The attractive, golden-yellow, pods of Dwarf Bean ‘Golden Teepee’ contrast beautifully with the dark green leaves. The stringless pods are held high up on the plants for ease of picking, and are less prone to disease and rotting from soil splash. These tender beans have a superb flavour and add a bright splash of colour to your plate. Height: 45cm (18″). Spread: 30cm (12″).
Approx. 60 Seeds
Sow 2.5-5cm (1-2″) deep, 5-10cm (2-4″) apart in warm (21C/70F), well drained, fertile soil after last frost. Germinates in 7-14 days. Keep soil moist. Thin as required. Increase yield by picking mature beans often to encourage more growth. Water early in the morning to allow plants to dry. Do not work among or pick when plants are wet.
Spray soapy water on plants to help deter insects.
Companion planting: Try growing French beans with Nasturtiums to draw aphids away from your crop.