Bean Classic Slenderette – Renee’s Garden
Phaseolus vulgaris
Bush Beans
EXCLUSIVE – The sleek rounded pods of gourmet quality Slenderette are particularly tender and crunchy with no tough tips or fiber. The vigorous plants bear strong harvests of delectable, bright green, 5 inch pods early in the season. Juicy and sweet tasting, they are especially delicious steamed, stir-fried, or blanched and marinated in an herbed vinaigrette. An extra bonus is Slenderette’s proven disease resistance to bean mosaic and curly top virus. Plant this reliable, delicious and high-yielding garden bean every season.
Cold Winters |
Mild Winters |
Sun/Shade |
Sow Seeds |
Days to Germinate |
Days to Harvest |
May – June
April – June
Full sun
4 inches apart
1 inch deep |
12 – 28 days
Approx. 55
In spring, once weather is warm and settled and night temperatures stay securely above 55°F (13°C), plant seeds in well-worked, fertile soil in full sun. Poke seeds in 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart in rows 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart. Make several sowings 2 weeks apart until the end of June to provide continued harvests.
Tender crispy garden beans are an easy reliable crop to grow, but don’t plant seeds too early as cold conditions prevent good germination. If first sowing comes up unevenly, replant right away; new seedlings will catch up quickly. Birds are often attracted to young bean seedlings, so watch carefully and protect with netting or floating row covers if necessary. Avoid cultivating plants or picking pods when plants are wet.
The vigorous plants bear strong harvests of top quality pods that hold well without getting stringy. The more you pick, the more the plants will produce, and the nitrogen fixing bacteria on the roots of bean plants actually improves your soil. Sow another crop about three weeks after your first planting and you’ll have a welcome second harvest in late summer. Slenderette beans are wonderful for quick cooking, they freeze well, or use them to make jars of tasty pickled dilly beans.