Anise – Ontario Seed Company
Pimpinella anisum
Seeds are used in cakes, bread, soup and stews as well as teas. Freshly chopped leaves are also appealing in salads, sauces, soups and stews. Grows 45-60 cm (1.5-2′) tall. May self-sow and establish persistent stands. Also known as Culinary Spice Anise or Erva-Doce. Annual.
How to Grow
Sow seed directly outdoors in a sunny site with well drained soil in mid-May to early June. Plant seed 6 mm (1/4″) deep and 2.5 cm (1″) apart in the row with rows 45 cm (18″) apart. Thin to 20 cm (8″) in the row. Seed can be started indoors in a soil-less mix 4-5 weeks before last frost. Keep at 20 C (70 F) for the 14 day germination period then grow on at a slightly lower temperature, harden off and plant outside after the danger of frost has passed. Harvest seed after flowers have dried and seeds are grayish-brown. Harvest leaves for use anytime!
Approx. 100 seeds/pkt.