McKenzie Seeds Spinach New Zealand
Tetragonia tetragonioides
- Annual
- Full sun/Partial shade
- Bolt resistant
- Heat tolerant
- Tangy when eaten raw, mellow when cooked
Though not related to true spinach, the leaves of New Zealand taste similar and some think better than spinach. Tolerant to heat and resistant to bolting, it does not typically turn bitter in hot weather. The flavor is better if plants have some shade from the sun. Soaking seeds in warm water overnight before planting can help improve germination. This cool-weather vegetable is easy to grow in rich, well-drained soil. Requires plenty of moisture.
- Companion Planting: Plant near beans, cilantro (coriander), eggplant, oregano, peas, rosemary, strawberries. Peas and beans offer a natural form of protection for spinach, creating shade. Cilantro, oregano, and rosemary are believed to have insect-repelling properties.
Spinach does not transplant well and seeds can be sown directly in the garden in early Spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Soil temperature (not air temperature) should be between 4-20° C (40-68°F) . Space seeds and plant to the depth indicated below. Press seeds into the soil to ensure good contact and cover with 1.3 cm (1/2″) of soil. After planting, water seeds with a gentle mist or shower. It is critical to keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy during germination. When your seedlings reach a height of a few centimetres (inches) and have developed 2 or 3 pairs of leaves, it is important to thin them out, according to the plant spacing indicated below. Do not allow the soil to become dry, as young plants have underdeveloped roots and can quickly dehydrate, particularly in windy conditions. Spinach grows quickly and more seeds can be succession planted every 2 weeks days until the temperature exceeds 23°C (75°F). Once the temperature rises, spinach tends to bolt. Planting can resume when the temperature turns cooler at the end of Summer and early Fall.
Approximate Seed Count: 25-30
Planting Depth: 1.3cm (1/2″) Seed Spacing: Sow spinach seeds roughly 2.5 cm (1″) apart in rows, keeping rows approximately 40 cm (16″) apart. Plant Spacing: 25cm (10″)