Tomato Farthest North Cherry – Good Earth Farms
Lycopersicon Esculentum
BUSH. Very early and prolific. Will set fruit in cold weather. Very rare. Introduced by North Dakota state University in 1934. These dwarf plants are reach 16” and are perfect for containers and baskets in northern areas.
Germinates best in warm soil at 24-29°C with moderate moisture.
Plant Spacing : 12-18” Row Spacing: 4-6’ apart.
Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/4″ deep. At first true leaf, pot-up to 4″ pots. Grow at a constant 16–21°C. Harden off before transplanting into the soil. Plant deeply to encourage strong rooting. Water seedlings with a high-phosphate fertilizer solution at planting to help boost early yields.