Lettuce Salad Bowl Seed Tape – Ontario Seed Company
Latuca sativa
Our favourite All America Selection Winner from the past produces medium green leaves that are long and deeply lobed with a tender texture and sweet taste. Appealing colour and vitamin rich! Salad Bowl is one of the best for growing in hot summers because it is slow to bolt to seed. A delightfully quick 45 days to harvest from germination. Introduced in 1952. Seed tapes help you get strong, healthy plants with no thinning, double planting, or missed spots in the row.
How to Grow
In a sunny site with well drained soil, sow successive crops every two weeks from April on to early summer as long as the weather is cool. Lay out tape and cover with 3 mm (1/8″) deep. Space rows 45 cm (18″) apart. Thin out seedlings to 10 cm (4″) apart. Thinnings can be used as baby greens. Keep plants evenly watered for the most succulent lettuce. Late summer crops can also be attempted.
2 metres (6 feet) seed strip. Approx. 100 seeds.