Chives – Ontario Seed Company
Allium schoenoprasum
Chive seeds grow as tufts of grassy, tubular leaves shaped much like miniature onion leaves. Use the delicate, mild onion-flavoured leaves in salads, soups, stews, omelettes and dips. Plants grow in clusters to 15cm (6″) high and produce pretty, edible, purple ball-shaped flowers about 2.5cm (1″) in diameter. Often gardeners find chives spreading throughout the garden easily on their own. Despite this, chives can be a fussy germinator, with the seed sometimes taking much longer to emerge than expected. While it often spreads from established plants by self-seeding, it is not considered invasive.
Perennial hardy to Zone 3.
Approx. 400 seeds/pkt
How to Grow
Sow seed directly outdoors in a sunny site with average soil in mid-to-late May or in August through September. Sow seed 6mm (1/4″) deep and 2.5cm (1″) apart then thin to 10cm (4″) apart in the garden. Note that germination normally occurs within 14 days of sowing, however seed can sometimes take much longer to sprout so be patient.