Pea Dwarf Grey Sugar Snow – Salt Spring Seeds
Pisum sativum
Early maturing, old heirloom with attractive purple flowers growing to 76-90cm (28-36″) tall. The leaves and tendrils have a subtle red tint, and are great for salads, stir-fries and garnishes. Delicious, petite, sweet, crisp, and tender 2″ snow pea pods. No staking is required.
Provide support for climbing varieties.Â
Peas: Sow early spring. Space 2″ apart.Â
Favas/Broad Beans: Sow early spring. Can be sown in fall and overwintered in mild climates. Space up to 12″ apart.
Chick Peas/ Garbanzos & Lentils: Sow mid to late spring. Space 6-10″ apart.
Warm weather Beans: Sow mid-May to mid-June. Space climbing varieties 2-4″ apart, bush snap varieties 3- 6″ apart and bush dry varieties 6-12″ apart.