Pumpkin Head Jack O Lantern – Mr. Fothergill’s
Cucurbita hybrida
- Orange pumpkins with paler flesh
- Grow to about the size of a Basketball
- Carve them into heads at Halloween or use for baking.
Jack O’ Lantern Pumpkin. Heirloom vegetable. With a name like Jack O’ Lantern, you know what this pumpkin is especially used for. With skin that is bright orange, smooth and firm, you can carve a Jack-O-Lantern face that will be seen for miles on Halloween night. Boooooo!
Approx. 10 seeds
Pumpkins are a hot weather crop. They need full sun and deep, rich, well drained, organic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Before planting, work in lots of compost. Sow seed directly outdoors from late May through early June 2.5cm (1in) deep in hills 2.4m (8ft) apart with 4-6 seeds per hill. After germination, thin to 3 plants per hill. Seed can be started indoors 3 weeks before the plant out date. Pumpkins do not transplant well–use paper or fiber pots that can be set directly in the soil. For competition sized pumpkins, allow only two pumpkins per plant to mature. Protect mature pumpkins from frost and cold temperatures.