Poppy Hungarian Breadseed – Renee’s Garden
Papaver spp.
Heirloom Poppies
EXCLUSIVE – Baking with poppy seeds is a centuries old tradition, and easy to grow, cold-tolerant poppies are a joy in the spring garden. This large podded Eastern European heirloom strain has luminous, ethereal white or pale lavender-pink petals with contrasting dark center blotches and blue-green toothed leaves. The eye-catching flowers are followed by urn-shaped decorative pods full of tasty seeds delicious for cooking and baking. Homegrown poppy seed is wonderfully fresh, sweet and nutty tasting — you’ll love it!
Plant In |
Sun/Shade |
Planting Depth |
Space Seeds |
Days To Germinate |
Mature Height |
Jan. – April |
Full sun |
Barely cover |
Very thinly |
7 – 14 days |
3 – 4 feet |
Spring/summer bloom
Fall harvest
Frost hardy
Plant poppies in late fall or very early spring directly into the garden. In cold climates, seeds will overwinter and germinate when soil thaws. Blossoms and pods are largest when plants grow in cool weather; seedlings are very cold hardy. In a well-worked, finely textured seed bed in full sun, sprinkle seeds as thinly as possible or sow in rows 8 to 10 inches apart. (Mixing dry sand with the seeds will help space them.) Rake in gently or lightly cover seeds 1/8 inch deep, and keep seed bed moist until seedlings emerge in 7 to 14 days. If seedlings come up too thickly, thin poppies early, but delay final thinning to 6 to 8 inches apart until weather has settled in spring.
Flowers will bloom in spring and early summer, then drop their petals and form fat seed capsule pods. When pods get brown and hard, cut and store them in open paper bags. When completely dry, crack pods open to remove seeds. Store harvested poppy seed in the freezer to keep it fresh and pest free.